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Company Profile

NamPower, Namibia’s national power utility, was born out of the then South West Africa Water and Electricity Corporation (SWAWEK). SWAWEK was formed on 19 December 1964 as a private and fully affiliated company of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) of the Republic of South Africa. Key to SWAWEK’s success was the effective development of the hydropower station – the Ruacana Scheme – and the establishment of a transmission system for the distribution of electricity through the country’s central districts to Windhoek. Throughout its 32-year history, SWAWEK made a valuable contribution to the country’s economic development. By the early 1980s, the network covered most regions and eventually in 1978, the Ruacana Scheme was energized, with a capacity of 240 MW. SWAWEK’s last significant act (in association with Eskom) came in May 1996, announcing its intention to construct a 400 kV power line over a distance of 900 km between Aries in Kenhardt in South Africa, via the Kokerboom substation near Keetmanshoop to Auas, near Windhoek. In July 1996, SWAWEK became NamPower.

Establishment of NamPower

NamPower, Namibia’s national power utility, has for decades been a mainstay of the nation’s economy and is now positioned, in a free, independent and stable Namibia, to be a main driver of Vision 2030, Namibia’s blueprint for broad-based, sustainable economic growth. For NamPower, comprehensive energy provision and supply efficiency throughout Namibia became an even greater priority and with the dawn of the new millennium and in keeping with the Electricity Act (Act 2000) which called for the national power industry to restructure, the company publicly committed itself to the further development and social uplifting of the Namibian people. As a state-owned enterprise, NamPower reports to the Ministry of Mines and Energy and is regulated by the Electricity Control Board. The utility is registered as a company and thus operates according to the Companies Act, under the guidance and direction of a Board of Directors

Our Vision

To be the leading electricity solutions provider of choice in SADC.

Our Mission

To provide innovative electricity solutions, in an evolving market, which satisfy the needs of our customers, fulfil the aspirations of our staff, and the expectations of our stakeholders in a competitive, sustainable, and environmentally friendly manner.

Our Group Values

The glue that holds NamPower together is housed in the group values which are: • Customer Focus • Integrity • Teamwork • Accountability • Empowerment • Safety, Health and Environment.

Our commitment

We are committed to:

  • Providing value added service to our customers
  • Making electricity available to most households in Namibia
  • Appropriate development strategies
  • Having a proactive workforce
  • Adhering to safety measures in all our operations
  • Having technically reliable, modern and state-of-the-art technology and equipment

Core Business

NamPower’s core business is the generation, transmission and energy trading, which takes place within the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP), the largest multilateral energy platform on the African continent. NamPower supplies bulk electricity to Regional Electricity Distributors (REDs), Mines, Farms and Local Authorities (where REDs are not operational) throughout Namibia. NamPower understands the important role that electricity plays in all aspects of socio-economic development – not just in driving the machines and equipment that keep Namibia’s factories, mines and farms going, but also in powering our schools, our offices, and our very lives. Behind all these activities are more than 950 dedicated employees and management directed by a Board of Directors, who diligently guides and enforces strict adherence to corporate governance principles. The company’s favorable financial rating over the past few years has paved the way for it to raise financing from the capital markets for its long-term projects.

Namibia’s main sources of Power Generation

  • 120 MW coal-fired Van Eck power station in Windhoek
  • 22.5 MW ANIXAS diesel-powered station at Walvisbay
  • 347 MW hydro-electric Ruacana Power Station at Ruacana

Transmission Network

NamPower owns a world-class transmission system and network of 132 kV to 400 kV of overhead power lines spanning a distance of more than 25,000 kilometers, one of the longest of its kind in the world and enough to circle a continent. The national grid has been homegrown – designed and largely built by Namibians. Continuous investments are being made to strengthen and maintain the national grid in a superior condition to ensure an efficient and effective network with minimum disruption.

National Control Centre

The 'pulse' of NamPower – the National Control Centre, situated in Windhoek - operates on a 24 hour basis to ensure system availability and is responsible for the total operation and management of the NamPower transmission and distribution system.

A look ahead

NamPower’s success is built on very strong foundations.. Moving forward, the company will continue to invest in powering the nation, protecting our environment, uplifting marginalized communities, providing excellent customer service and meeting the aspirations of our staff now and for generations to come. In all these efforts and more, NamPower will continue to value the contribution and support of stakeholders throughout the electricity supply industry, and throughout the nation as a whole.

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