How will the 1mLED Campaign be implemented?

The 1mLED Campaign will replace incandescent bulbs used in areas of your house which are mostly switched on during peak times, with LED bulbs (e.g. Sitting/ living area, kitchen, dining room, TV room, Bathroom & passage). NamPower has appointed LED Champions who will be installing 1 million LED bulbs FOR FREE countrywide. The LED Champions will be making use of local residents who will be referred as LED installers to execute the campaign.

The installation team will use a runner who will go from door to door to identify the houses where there is an adult and whether the adult or home owner is willing to participant in the campaign. The runner will then inform the bulb installers who will go into the house and present a data gathering form to the adult or home owner. Home owners are therefore encouraged to take part in the campaign by giving access to their property and availing the information required to complete the data gathering form.

The installers will replace and retain the replaced incandescent bulbs. A maximum of six (6) bulbs can be installed per house in sockets most likely to be on during peak times. The Installation team will return the replaced incandescent bulb to the LED Champions who will take it for reconciliation with NamPower, have them crushed and then dispose the crushed bulbs.

M&V Process

NamPower has appointed an independent measurement and verification (M&V) consultants to audit the savings of the project. The project has been analysed and classified according to the guidelines set out in the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol Vol1 2012 (IPMVP). The M&V activities will therefore focus on the retrofit activities associated with lighting retrofit only and the verification of the predicted energy savings (MWh) and demand (MW) impact as a result of the intervention. The M&V consultants have already developed a baseline demand curve against which the savings will be measured.